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Latest Update: 2022-05-13

Create a New Keymap 

Edit Keymap

Customize The Layout To Your Liking 

Build Your Firmware - Mac

Build Your Firmware - Win

Create New Keymap

  1. Duplicate folder form Keymaps

  2. Rename you folder, such as 48keys_1 or 68keys_david_1

  3. Open [your keymap]/keymap.c on VS code




Edit Keymap

For beginner with GUI

  1. Go to Keyboard Firmware Builder(KFB) and upload VHD json file - 48 Keys >          68 Keys >

  2. Click “Keymap” tab, and remap keys

  3. Click other layers to remap keys

  4. Click “Setting” tab, click “Save Configuration” for your latest json file

  5. Go to KFB Parser and upload your latest json file, and tap “Keymap.c"

  6. Copy and paste to VS code keymap.c

  7. Done.

For Advanced/QMK users on VScode

  1. Edit keymap.c on VScode

Reference: Full List of Keycodes

Customize the Layout

  1. Create 2-8 layers

  2. If you are beginner,  don’t change any key on Adjust layer/ Layer 3

Build Your Firmware - Mac

  1. Open terminal on Visual Studio Code

  2. In this case, the folder location is "~/Dev/", keymap is "Default".

  3. Run the following commands(Step 4 to 7):

  4. cd ~/Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3

  5. export NRFSDK15_ROOT=~/Dev/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a

  6. make designer_keyboard_ble_48/master:Default

  7. python3 ~/Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3/.build/designer_keyboard_ble_48_master_Default.hex -c -f 0xADA52840

  8. Congratulations! Done! You can find the flash.uf2 on Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3.

  9. You can flash now.

  10. Save or rename the flash.uf2. (optioanl)

*You may want to edit the Keymap folder name, eg: Default2 for step 6 and 7.

*VHD3 is for 2021 Version.

Build Your Firmware - Win

Video Guide

  1. Open Mingw64 on C:/msys64

  2. In this case, the folder location is "/c/Users/MAD_VEX/Dev", keymap is "Default".

  3. Run the following commands(Step 4 to 7):

  4. cd /c/Users/MAD_VEX/Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3 

  5. OR cd (drop the qmk_firmware_VHD3 folder)

  6. export NRFSDK15_ROOT=/c/Users/MAD_VEX/Dev/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a

  7. OR export NRFSDK15_ROOT=(drop the SDK folder)

  8. make designer_keyboard_ble_68/master:Default

  9. python3 /c/Users/MAD_VEX/Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3/.build/designer_keyboard_ble_68_master_Default.hex -c -f 0xADA52840

  10. Congratulations! Done! You can find the flash.uf2 on Dev/qmk_firmware_VHD3.

  11. You can flash now.

  12. Save or rename the flash.uf2. (optioanl)

*You may want to edit the Keymap folder name, eg: Default2 for step 6 and 7.

*VHD3 is for 2021 Version.

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